Custom Packaging for New Hires

Posted on July 17, 2024 by Marketing Fantastapack

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to welcoming new team members. A smooth and thoughtful onboarding experience can set the stage for a new hire's success and satisfaction. At Fantastapack, we know how important this is, and we're here to help you create unforgettable packaging for ...

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Custom Packaging for Back-to-School

Posted on July 03, 2024 by Marketing Fantastapack

We may be in summer, but as the excitement of the back-to-school season approaches, it's the perfect time for brands to get the attention of students, parents, and educators. Custom packaging can make the back-to-school experience memorable and exciting. From personalized stationery sets to ...

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When to Choose the Double Side Tuck Mailer style

Posted on June 19, 2024 by Marketing Fantastapack

For many businesses, choosing the right box style can significantly impact both cost and customer experience. The right box style ensures your product is delivered safely and your customer has a great unboxing experience. Introducing the Double Side Tuck Mailer – our innovative packaging solution. ...

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The Power of Small Quantity Orders

Posted on May 21, 2024 by Marketing Fantastapack

Many small businesses and startups struggle to make a mark in both the online and offline worlds without spending a fortune. With shrinking budgets, marketing teams are under pressure to expand their reach and boost sales. So, how can you think outside the box without sacrificing your brand ...

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The Evolution of Unboxing and the Impacts of Social Media

Posted on May 03, 2024 by Marketing Fantastapack

In the age of social media, where every moment is curated and shared, the unboxing phenomenon continues to emerge as a powerful trend reshaping consumer experience. At Fantastapack, we’ve witnessed firsthand how packaging and retail displays have evolved to be crucial to brand identity and customer ...

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Why Does Packaging Even Matter?

Posted on February 19, 2024 by Justin Stacey

Business is a tough game. There’s payroll, rent to pay, vendors to pay, bankers to appease, projects to finish, projects to start, and the constant worry if sales are going to pace above expenses. When you’re going 100pmh in 10 different directions all day long it can become impossible to find the ...

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Meet the REFT Box: Making Smart Sustainable Choices for Your Packaging

Posted on August 23, 2023 by Jason Adolf

Throughout Earth Month, we took a moment to reflect on Fantastapack's impact on the environment and identified ways to make positive changes. We shared some steps we've already taken to be more environmentally conscious, like cutting down on waste and using sustainable materials in our products. ...

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